Sunday, April 5, 2009

Where Y'At?

the things i love. fried pork cracklin. inspected and passed by department of agriculture right here in new orleans. belle chasse, louisiana 70037 if you want to get particular. music. i don't know many lyrics, but the sound drives me. like climbing a mountain and almost getting to the halfway point. make me go farther, higher, mount summit. so i can get to the top and go sliding down. with friends. i don't have many but those i do have i cherish. we will all go sledding. afterwards, frozen faces will we all be drinking hot chocolate. maybe brandy. keeps us warm.

motorcycles. zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance. who wants to climb on board and go for a ride? what is it that i love? freedom, independance, power, the ability to do what i want. and my motorcycle gives me all of that. always sounds so good.

it's the...

the deep south. the food. here we go burning down the highway at speeds that make me shiver when i'm in a car and getting passed by. here's throwing caution to the wind, here's taking off one's shirt and living like today might be the last. somewhere there's a skull that will be thrown in front of you only to have it held up and inspected. whether we be kings or court jesters, one day we will all be food for worms. type that into your rotoscope and look for a synonym.

i want to wake up in the morning and be happy.

i want to be alive.

don't tell me what to wear, or what time to go to sleep, or who to marry. i will choose that for myself.

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