Saturday, June 6, 2009

It's a Block Party

It's sure is addicting, I know once I start playing I have a hard time putting the game down. It is hard to believe the game has been around twenty five years already. My wife and I still enjoy playing to this day, as a matter of fact, we have a pocket sized version that my wife brings along to play on road trips.

"Developed by Alexey Pajitnov at a Moscow computing center, Tetris is recognized on the level of a Super Mario Bros. or Grand Theft Auto -- more than mere video games, they are ingrained in popular culture.The game began as a program on the IBM system, but Nintendo's Game Boy gave Tetris a wider audience in 1989. These days, Tetris is an actual company making money through"
So as the first twenty five years has past, with the addicting nature of this game, the next twenty five should pass in a blur as well. To find out more on the building blocks of Tetris, start stacking your bricks here.

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