Sunday, September 27, 2009

Saturday, September 12, 2009

My Nephew's R/C Airplane Club

My nephew belongs to a RC plane club. My thing motorcycles his thing R/C Planes, go figure. I like 'em too, just don't need another pursuit to sink cash and time into. Plus, if I crashed my B-17 that I poured a ton of hours and cash into, I would pull what’s left of my hair out. Besides, you have to admit, it is way more fun to watch someone else destroy their pride and joy. This guy crashed this plane as soon as I got there and set up shop. You gotta feel sorry for him though. The plane was beautiful and he pretty much destroyed it. The right landing gear would not come down and when it finally did, he added too much power, stalled crashed. My Nephew shot these videos.
Thank fully this was the only mishap of the day. There was a lot of great pilots flying these beauties. Here are a few shots I got of the show. The helicopter pilots were doing indescribable stunts, you would have to see them to believe them.
This Stuka even had a functioning divebomb siren, just like it's big brother.

The right gear hung up

Things have gone terribly wrong

The unfortunate aftermath

A F-15 with a real jet engine. This thing was so fast, I could barely get pictures of it.

It even has the airbrake behind the cockpit like the real one.

A fifteen year old kid flew this Sukhoi 31 like a pro, he was the best pilot I saw besides the helicopter pilots.

This scout was pretty damn nice.

These guys were doing things with these copters that had my hair standing up.

Hovering upside down four inches above the runway.

And to top it all off, some guy brought his lawn mower.

If you have a R/C flying club in your area, I highly recommend that you go check them out. I had a blast here today, I have a sneaking suspicion I'll be going back.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Protect Your Chicken From Dokken

How to transfer your contacts onto a new phone

How to transfer your contacts onto a new phone

Maybe you are thinking of upgrading your 3 year old Sanyo Katana for one of those new phones with a Qwerty keyboard for texting. The reason you’ve held off so long in upgrading the handset is because you don’t want to go through the trouble of reprogramming your contacts into a new phone. Surely, a daunting task. Or maybe not.

Most of the phones today including the Sanyo Katana, support Bluetooth technology. You maybe probably most familiar with using Bluetooth to connect a Bluetooth wireless headset to your phone for hands free talking while driving. 6 states now require hands free headsets while driving and 18 ban texting while driving - though no bluetooth headset wouldn’t help you text. The same technology you use to connect your Bluetooth headset can be used to transfer your contacts into a new phone.

Here is how you do it.

  1. Enable Bluetooth on your old phone and your new phone. Usually, it’s located in Menu -> Settings ->Bluetooth
  2. Next, make sure that the phones can see each other by turning Visibility on. There are probably a few choices under visibility. Select Always visible.
  3. Now you’ll need to pair the phones so that you can communicate between the phones. In the Bluetooth menu on your old phone, go to Add New -> Search. The phone will scan the area for Bluetooth enabled devices and your new phone should appear in the Search results.
  4. Add your new phone as a trusted device by selecting it from the search results list.You may need to enter in a passkey to make this pairing between the two phones. You can choose any passkey. Just make sure you enter in the same passkey on both phones.
  5. Highlight your new phone on the trusted device list and select Options -> Send Item-> Contacts. Follow the onscreen instructions to select and send your contacts. You may have to enter in the passkey again for your new phone to receive the contacts files.
  6. Voila! All your contacts in your new Qwerty text phone. Instead of having to use your Qwerty keyboard to enter in your contacts, you can go straight to texting them.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The People of Walmart

This may just be the kind of site that keeps me clinging to my sanity.

Because when I'm out in public, and I see the kinds of asinine behaviors that surround me each and every day, and when I know I'm not the only one who see such things, I sit back, crawl through this wonderful site, and know that things are truly as abrogating as I seem them to be.

Enjoy by clicking here.

Second Line to Save Charity Hospital

Second Line to Save Charity Hospital